"use strict";
var DataFrameWriter = require("./DataFrameWriter");
var GroupedData = require("./GroupedData");
var Column = require("./Column");
var Row = require("./Row");
var java = require("./java");
var helpers = require("./helpers");
* A distributed collection of data organized into named columns.
* DataFrames can be created using various functions in {@link SQLContext}.
* They can be manipulated using the various domain-specific-language (DSL)
* functions defined in: {@link DataFrame} (this class), {@link Column}, and
* {@link Functions}.
* @example <caption>To select a column from the data frame, use the <code>col</code> method.</caption>
* var ageCol = people.col("age");
* @example <caption>Note that the {@link Column} type can also be manipulated through its various functions.</caption>
* // The following creates a new column that increases everybody's age by 10.
* people.col("age").plus(10);
* @example <caption>A more complete example.</caption>
* var people = sqlContext.read().json("...");
* var department = sqlContext.read().json("...");
* people.filter("age > 30")
* .join(department, people.col("deptId").eq(department.col("id")))
* .groupBy(department.col("name"), people.col("gender"))
* .agg(F.avg(people.col("salary")), F.max(people.col("age")));
* @since 1.3.0
class DataFrame {
* **Note:** Do not use directly (see above).
constructor(jvm_obj) {
this.jvm_obj = jvm_obj;
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} with new specified column names.
* @param colNames Array of new column names.
* @since 1.3.0
toDF(...colNames /*: String* */) /*: DataFrame*/ {
var new_jvm_obj = this.jvm_obj.toDF(...colNames);
return new DataFrame(new_jvm_obj);
* Returns all column names as an array.
* @param cb Node-style callback function (error-first).
* @since 1.3.0
columns(cb /*: cb: (err: any, res: Array[String]) => any */) /*: void */ {
* The synchronous version of {@link DataFrame#columns}
* @since 1.3.0
columnsSync() /*: Array[String]*/ {
return this.jvm_obj.columns();
* Prints the schema to the console in a nice tree format.
* This method runs a computation but is still synchronous, because it is
* used in an interactive setting (shell).
* @since 1.3.0
printSchema() /*: Unit */ {
* Prints the plans (logical and physical) to the console for debugging purposes.
* @param {string} [extended=false]
* @since 1.3.0
explain(extended=false /*: Boolean */) /*: Unit */ {
* Returns true if the `collect` and `take` methods can be run locally
* (without any Spark executors).
* @since 1.3.0
isLocal() /*: Boolean*/ {
return this.jvm_obj.isLocal();
* Displays the {@link DataFrame} in a tabular form. Strings more than 20 characters will be
* truncated, and all cells will be aligned right.
* This method runs a computation but is still synchronous, because it is
* used in an interactive setting (shell).
* @param {Number} [numRows=20] Number of rows to show.
* @param {Boolean} [truncate=true] If true, strings more than 20 characters will
* be truncated and all cells will be aligned right.
* @since 1.3.0
show(numRows=20 /*: Int */, truncate=true /*: Boolean */) /*: Unit */ {
this.jvm_obj.show(numRows, truncate);
* Join with another {@link DataFrame}.
* If no `col` is provided, does a Cartesian join. (Note that cartesian
* joins are very expensive without an extra filter that can be pushed
* down).
* If a column name (string) is provided, does an equi-join.
* If a column expression is provided, uses that as a join expression.
* @example <caption>perform a full outer join between <code>df1</code> and <code>df2</code></caption>
* df1.join(df2, col("df1Key").equalTo(col("df2Key")), "outer");
* @param right Right side of the join.
* @param [col=null] Column name or join expression.
* @param [joinType="inner"] One of: `inner`, `outer`, `left_outer`, `right_outer`, `leftsemi`.
* @since 1.3.0
join(right /*: DataFrame */, col=null /*: Column|String */, joinType="inner" /*: String*/) /*: DataFrame */ {
if (col === null) {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.join(right));
} else {
col = helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string(col);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.join(right, col, joinType));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} sorted by the specified column, all in ascending order.
* @param col {@link Column}
* @param cols Array of additional column names or expressions to sort by.
* @since 1.3.0
sort(col /*: (Column | String) */, ...cols /*: (Column* | String*) */) /*: DataFrame */ {
col = helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string(col);
cols = cols.map(helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.sort(col, ...cols));
* Selects column based on the column name and return it as a {@link Column}.
* Note that the column name can also reference to a nested column like `a.b`.
* @param colName
* @since 1.3.0
col(colName /*: String */) /*: Column */ {
return new Column(this.jvm_obj.col(colName));
* Selects a set of column based expressions.
* @param cols Array of column names or expressions.
If one of the column names is '*', that column is expanded to include all columns
in the current DataFrame.
* @since 1.3.0
select(...cols /*: (Column* | String*) */) /*: DataFrame */ {
cols = cols.map(helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.select(...cols));
* Selects a set of SQL expressions. This is a variant of `select` that accepts
* SQL expressions.
* @param exprs Array of SQL expressions.
* @since 1.3.0
selectExpr(...exprs /*: String* */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.selectExpr(...exprs));
* Filters rows using the given column expression or SQL expression.
* @example <caption>The following are equivalent:</caption>
* peopleDf.filter(peopleDf.col("age").gt(15));
* peopleDf.filter("age > 15");
* @param condition A {@link Column} of booleans or a string containing a SQL expression.
* @since 1.3.0
filter(condition /*: Column|String */) /*: DataFrame */ {
condition = helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string(condition);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.filter(condition));
* Filters rows using the given condition. This is an alias for `filter`.
* @param condition
* @since 1.3.0
where(condition /*: Column|String */) /*: DataFrame */ {
condition = helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string(condition);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.filter(condition));
* Groups the {@link DataFrame} using the specified columns, so we can run aggregations on them.
* See {@link GroupedData} for all the available aggregation functions.
* @example <caption>Compute the average for all numeric columns grouped by department.</caption>
* df.groupBy("department").avg();
* @param cols Array of column names or expressions to group by.
* @since 1.3.0
groupBy(...cols /*: (Column* | String*) */) /*: GroupedData */ {
cols = cols.map(helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string);
return new GroupedData(this.jvm_obj.groupBy(...cols));
* Create a multi-dimensional rollup for the current {@link DataFrame} using the specified columns,
* so we can run aggregations on them.
* See {@link GroupedData} for all the available aggregation functions.
* @example
* // Compute the average for all numeric columns rolluped by department and group
* df.rollup(df.col("department"), df.col("group")).avg();
* @param cols Array of column names or expressions.
* @since 1.4.0
rollup(...cols /*: (Column* | String*) */) /*: GroupedData */ {
cols = cols.map(helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string);
return new GroupedData(this.jvm_obj.rollup(...cols));
* Create a multi-dimensional cube for the current {@link DataFrame} using the specified columns,
* so we can run aggregation on them.
* See {@link GroupedData} for all the available aggregation functions.
* @example
* // Compute the average for all numeric columns cubed by department and group.
* df.cube("department", "group").avg();
* @param cols Array of column names or expressions.
* @since 1.4.0
cube(...cols /*: (Column*|String*) */) /*: GroupedData */ {
cols = cols.map(helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string);
return new GroupedData(this.jvm_obj.cube(...cols));
* Aggregates on the entire {@link DataFrame} without groups.
* @example
* // df.agg(...) is a shorthand for df.groupBy().agg(...)
* df.agg(F.max(df.col("age")), F.avg(df.col("salary")));
* df.groupBy().agg(F.max(df.col("age")), F.avg(df.col("salary")));
* @param cols Array of column names or expressions.
* @since 1.3.0
agg(...cols /*: Column* */) /*: DataFrame */ {
cols = cols.map(col => col.jvm_obj);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.agg(...cols));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} by taking the first `n` rows. The difference between this function
* and `head` is that `head` returns an array while `limit` returns a new {@link DataFrame}.
* @param n Number of rows.
* @since 1.3.0
limit(n /*: Int */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.limit(n));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} containing union of rows in this frame and another frame.
* This is equivalent to `UNION ALL` in SQL.
* @param other {@link DataFrame}
* @since 1.3.0
unionAll(other /*: DataFrame */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.unionAll(other));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} containing rows only in both this frame and another frame.
* This is equivalent to `INTERSECT` in SQL.
* @param other {@link DataFrame}
* @since 1.3.0
intersect(other /*: DataFrame */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.intersect(other));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} containing rows in this frame but not in another frame.
* This is equivalent to `EXCEPT` in SQL.
* @param other {@link DataFrame}
* @since 1.3.0
except(other /*: DataFrame */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.except(other));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} by sampling a fraction of rows, using a random seed.
* @param withReplacement Sample with replacement or not.
* @param fraction Fraction of rows to generate.
* @since 1.3.0
sample(withReplacement /*: Boolean */, fraction /*: Double */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.sample(withReplacement, fraction));
* Randomly splits this {@link DataFrame} with the provided weights.
* @param weights Weights for splits, will be normalized if they don't sum to 1.
* @since 1.4.0
randomSplit(...weights /*: Double* */) /*: Array[DataFrame]*/ {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
// for some reason, this crashes the jvm. yet constructing the array
// in the shell and passing it directly works. haven't dug into the
// node-java code yet.
/*eslint-disable no-unreachable*/
var weightsArray = java.newArray("double", weights);
return this.jvm_obj.randomSplit(weightsArray);
/*eslint-enable no-unreachable*/
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} by adding a column or replacing the existing column that has
* the same name.
* @param colName Name of the new column.
* @param col {@link Column} Expression for the new column.
* @since 1.3.0
withColumn(colName /*: String */, col /*: Column */) /*: DataFrame */ {
col = helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string(col);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.withColumn(colName, col));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} with a column dropped.
* This is a no-op if schema doesn't contain column name.
* @param col {@link Column}
* @since 1.4.0
drop(col /*: String|Column */) /*: DataFrame */ {
col = helpers.jobj_from_maybe_string(col);
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.drop(col));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} that contains only the unique rows from this {@link DataFrame}.
* This is an alias for `distinct`.
* If column names are passed in, rows are only compared in those columns.
* @param colNames Array of column names.
* @since 1.4.0
dropDuplicates(...colNames /*: String* */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.drop(...colNames));
* Returns a new {@link DataFrame} that contains only the unique rows from this {@link DataFrame}.
* This is an alias for `dropDuplicates`.
* @since 1.3.0
distinct() /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.drop());
* Computes statistics for numeric columns, including count, mean, stddev, min, and max.
* If no columns are given, this computes statistics for all numerical columns.
* This is meant for exploratory data analysis, as we make no guarantee about the
* backward compatibility of the schema of the resulting {@link DataFrame}. If you want to
* programmatically compute summary statistics, use the `agg` method instead.
* @example
* df.describe("age", "height").show();
* // output:
* // summary age height
* // count 10.0 10.0
* // mean 53.3 178.05
* // stddev 11.6 15.7
* // min 18.0 163.0
* // max 92.0 192.0
* @param colNames Array of column names.
* @since 1.3.1
describe(...colNames /*: String* */) /*: DataFrame */ {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.describe(...colNames));
* Returns the first `n` rows.
* Running head requires moving data into the application's driver process, and doing so with
* a very large `n` can crash the driver process with OutOfMemoryError.
* @param {Number} [n=1] Number of rows to return.
* @param cb Node-style callback function (error-first).
* @since 1.3.0
head(cb /*: cb: (err: any, res: Array[Object]) => any */, n=1 /*: Int */) /*: void */ {
let jvm_cb = (err, jvm_rows) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(err, jvm_rows.map(row => new Row(row).values()));
return this.jvm_obj.headAsync(n, jvm_cb);
* The synchronous version of {@link DataFrame#head}
* @param {Number} [n=1] Number of rows to return.
* @since 1.3.0
headSync(n=1 /*: Int */) /*: Array[Object]*/ {
return this.jvm_obj.head(n)
.map(row => new Row(row).values());
* Returns an array that contains all of {@link Row}s in this {@link DataFrame}.
* Running collect requires moving all the data into the application's driver process, and
* doing so on a very large dataset can crash the driver process with OutOfMemoryError.
* @param cb Node-style callback function (error-first).
* @since 1.3.0
collect(cb /*: cb: (err: any, res: Array[Object]) => any */) /*: void*/ {
let jvm_cb = (err, jvm_rows) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(err, jvm_rows.map(row => new Row(row).values()));
* The synchronous version of {@link DataFrame#collect}
* @since 1.3.0
collectSync() /*: Array[Object]*/ {
return this.jvm_obj.collect()
.map(row => new Row(row).values());
* Returns the number of rows in the {@link DataFrame}.
* @param cb Node-style callback function (error-first).
* @since 1.3.0
count(cb /*: cb: (err: any, res: Number) => any */) /*: void*/ {
let jvm_cb = (err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(err, res.valueOf());
* The synchronous version of {@link DataFrame#count}
* @since 1.3.0
countSync() /*: Number */ {
return this.jvm_obj.count().valueOf();
* Returns a partitioned {@link DataFrame}.
* If partition expressions are provided, partition by the given
* partitioning expressions into `numPartitions`. The resulting DataFrame
* is hash partitioned. (This is the same operation as "DISTRIBUTE BY" in
* SQL (Hive QL).)
* @param {Number} [numPartitions] Number of partitions.
* @param partitionExprs Partitioning expressions.
* @since 1.3.0
repartition(numPartitions /*: Int */, ...partitionExprs /*: Column* */) /*: DataFrame */ {
if (partitionExprs.length===0) {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.repartition(numPartitions));
} else {
return new DataFrame(this.jvm_obj.repartition(numPartitions, partitionExprs));
* Registers this {@link DataFrame} as a temporary table using the given name. The lifetime of this
* temporary table is tied to the {@link SQLContext} that was used to create this DataFrame.
* @param tableName Table name.
* @since 1.3.0
registerTempTable(tableName /*: String */) /*: Unit */ {
* Interface for saving the content of the {@link DataFrame} out into external storage.
* @since 1.4.0
write() /*: DataFrameWriter*/ {
return new DataFrameWriter(this);
module.exports = DataFrame;